3 Reasons Students Should Get Involved with Philanthropy

3 Reasons Students Should Get Involved with Philanthropy

A survey of college professors found that 80 percent of college students had the opportunity to volunteer in the community where the college was located. Those responding to the survey say that 66 percent have the opportunity volunteer in the surrounding community on...
6 Blogs to Help You Kill the Philanthropy Game

6 Blogs to Help You Kill the Philanthropy Game

As a philanthropist, you might not think of reading blogs as something that can directly benefit your work. However, whether you work for a philanthropy or are just heavily involved as a philanthropist, reading up on blogs about philanthropy can be incredibly...
Children are the Future: Teach Them to Be Philanthropic

Children are the Future: Teach Them to Be Philanthropic

People focus on what we should and should not be teaching children so often and how best to prepare them to be the leaders of tomorrow, but teaching them about philanthropy is unfortunately not a common part of these discussions. Philanthropy is a mindset that more...