About Ari Monkarsh

“I have one life and one chance to make it count for something… My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference.”
– Jimmy Carter
Ari Monkarsh’s Mission:
Holidays and special family occasions are key milestones for the family unit, especially for kids. While many Americans are enjoying good times, there are still over 43 million people in poverty which leaves plenty of work to do.
What Ari Monkarsh does is grab a group of families in need and provide a complete Thanksgiving experience with all the trimmings equivalent to what he shares with his own family. The food is delivered and provided completely anonymously. Ari and his family do the same thing for the holidays and provide Christmas/Chanukah to families who can’t afford to celebrate, including presents for everyone and family dinner with all the trimmings. It is a great program, and every year Ari Monkarsh does it a little bigger. They are hoping next year to incorporate a 501c and really add some horsepower to it, helping more families than ever. Ari feels that this opportunity to give back to others is one of the best ways he could spend his time and he’s made memories he will always remember.
Ari Monkarsh believes that everyone should participate in some sort of “Give Back” program. It doesn’t matter if it’s small or large — it’s as simple as doing something consistently for others. Helping others is one of the highest callings we could have and can make a huge difference in someone else’s life. You never know how far-reaching your philanthropic efforts will be.
Whether it’s volunteering, helping with a fundraiser, helping a stranger, giving a donation, or simply giving someone a friendly ear with a big hug – Just Do Something!
If you need a few reasons, here are a few good ones…
That GREAT feeling: You know that feeling you get when you do something nice for someone else? It’s that heartwarming feeling that you carry around for the rest of the day. Science has confirmed that the more you help other people, the happier you are.
Did you know that kinder people actually live longer, healthier lives? People who volunteer tend to experience fewer aches and pains, something Ari Monkarsh can attest to! Giving help to others protects overall health twice as much as aspirin protects against heart disease. People 55 and older who volunteer for two or more organizations have an impressive 44 percent lower likelihood of dying—and that’s after sifting out every other contributing factor, including physical health, exercise, gender, habits like smoking, marital status, and many more.
Social responsibility: Our entire world and everything/everyone in it needs work. There’s work to do on women’s rights, poverty and discrimination, just to name a few of our issues! It’s our responsibility – it’s everyone’s responsibility –to try to make the world a better place. Getting involved by helping others is just one way to get started.
New friends and relationships: Working with others brings people together, but it also puts you in the perfect place to meet new friends! If you’re new to a city, get involved with a local charity event to broaden your social circle. The best thing about the new friends you make being involved with charity? You know right away that they’re kind and giving!
Small acts, big impact: Everyone always makes excuses, saying, “How much of a difference can just one person really make?” The best analogy here Ari Monkarsh has ever heard is the comparison for charitable acts of one person to the way an ant colony works. Ants are so small and fragile but when they work together each one has an important job and they can accomplish great things together. It may as simple and small as moving one tiny grain of dirt at a time BUT when they work together that impact becomes much greater with a huge impact.
No matter what you’re passionate about, find a cause that furthers that cause. Making a difference in others’ lives is one of the greatest ways you can improve the world. Find opportunities in your local community or on a larger scale. Ari Monkarsh knows that no matter what you do, it’s important to do something to make a difference and allow the world to become a better place. You’ll never regret the time you’ve spent improving the world around you. When engaging in philanthropy, you’ll meet people and gain experiences you wouldn’t have otherwise. You never know how much a little philanthropy can change your life as well as the lives of those you’re helping.