No matter what your thoughts are on the education system, everyone can admit that there is room for improvement. While there is no clear answer about how best to accomplish this goal, there are many benefits that follow a great education system. As cliche as it...
Every philanthropist is all too aware of the intense competition for limited resources; there are only so many donors to go around and philanthropies need large amounts of funding to successfully run and achieve their goals. Regardless of the amount donated, everyone...
Philanthropy is the best way to create a brighter future and today’s children are the ones who will lead this charge. I’ve already talked about how important it is to teach your children about charity, but it’s also important that philanthropy is incorporated into...
People focus on what we should and should not be teaching children so often and how best to prepare them to be the leaders of tomorrow, but teaching them about philanthropy is unfortunately not a common part of these discussions. Philanthropy is a mindset that more...