Philanthropy seems to be an increasingly popular topic in recent years, likely because the world is becoming more and more connected. It’s easier to see what other people are going through and find ways to help them. If you’re particularly interested in philanthropy and want to learn more about a specific topic or cause that needs some support, a great place for information is Netflix documentaries. The documentaries on Netflix are often well-known and many have won awards for the quality and awareness of the documentary. Here are some of the best documentaries on Netflix about various issues. If none of these appeal to you, there are many more to choose from, so go ahead and browse through them yourself!
This documentary received stunning reviews from critics and even won a few awards. It focuses on park rangers in the Virunga National Park in the Congo. These rangers work on various conservation projects, even during the M23 Rebellion in the area. The documentary also takes a look at the activities of an oil company within the Park, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It covers political, economical, and environmental issues and shows a truly beautiful corner of the world that people are striving to protect.
Blackfish came out a few years ago and shocked audiences. The filmmakers discuss the issue of whether or not creatures like killer whales should be kept in captivity. It led to public outrage at the conditions many of these animals are kept in and eventually caused Seaworld to announce they would no longer breed orcas in captivity.
Poverty, Inc.
If you’ve ever questioned whether or not all charities are using your donations for the causes they advertise, this documentary addresses that issue. It offers a look into poverty in third-world countries and how charity actually impacts the people many are trying to help.
Fed Up
One of the many food documentaries on Netflix, Fed Up takes a look at the issue of childhood obesity in the United States and how the food industry may be contributing to this widespread health issue. There are lots of other documentaries that address issues in the food industry and they’re all unique in their own ways, so check out some of the others as well.
After the Spill
Oil spills seem to be increasingly common and we often do not hear much about them, especially after the initial disaster. This documentary examines the continuing effects of the Deepwater Horizon spill in Louisiana. Activists and locals are all interviewed and offer their views, providing a look into how an oil spill impacts an area for years to come.
This documentary takes a look at various refugees from around the world who have had to leave their homes for different reasons. It offers a deeply personal view into their lives and allows them to share their dreams of a better life and the issues they’ve faced.